Sunday, April 30, 2006


In environmental law parlance, TMDL = total maximum daily load. My TMDL for studying is down to a few hours a day; I really can't take much anymore. Just wait until Thursday when the dam bursts and the effluent really starts to flow on the fed courts exam. How I will survive this summer studying for the bar I do not know.


Life in Cambodia said...

hey there...yeah, the ants are a nightmare, but yes, alas, i have succommed to accepting more protein in my diet through the little critters, I don't care anymore. Anyway, yeah, I forgot about the Zambia person...sorry, I was hoping my colleague would follow up, but apparently she didn't...anyway, yes, I would be very happy to follow up on this in July, if it can wait that long...let me know. ox mj

blogazon said...

I sent you an email. If you find anything on stigma, that could be useful, but at that point I'll no longer be a student. yipee!