Thursday, February 08, 2007


I want to get a dog. Maybe this is a little irresponsible of me since I'm not certain what I'll be doing in the fall of 2008, but right now I have the time and the yard.

I'm thinking about adopting one from the animal shelter. Every Saturday in Yuppieland, a local non-profit has an open-kennel type thing where you can test drive rescued dogs. I found one that I liked last weekend, but I'm not going to get it. Turns out that the description "likes to be near people" on the info sheet really means "separation anxiety," which means that this dog and my empty house during the day would not be a good combination.*

I got an email this week about someone who is looking for a home for their super-cute chocolate lab puppy. I like labs, and the dog would fit right in as the preferred breed of the extended Blogazon family, but I'm a little put off by the fact that the owner wants to sell her used puppy for $400. You get a crate, but that is still full price and a lot of money to basically do this person a favor by letting her get rid of her dog.** I want a discount.

So, I'll keep looking. There's another adopt-a-dog thing this Saturday. I hope the one I like doesn't have emotional problems.

*Thank you, honest non-profit people for warning me of this ahead of time. Please tell your volunteers in the field to be as forthcoming.

**In contrast, adopting a dog from a Dallas-area shelter runs about $150, but the dog has been fixed, has had all its shots, and part of your money goes for room and board for other abandoned animals.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, make sure she's not giving you whitemanprice, and ask her for the last price before you proceed to browbeat her into submission. I've seen you do it. You've got skills.