Friday, January 18, 2008

Reality deferred

Thursday was the boss’s birthday. We had bagels for breakfast, went out for lunch, and had chocolate raspberry cake in the afternoon. All together, I probably did about four hours of work yesterday. Oh, and we’re still doing the "official" birthday lunch sometime next week since this week is busy.

A while ago, the boss asked if I wanted to stay on for another year. At first I thought she was kidding, but it became apparent that she wasn’t. With my pickiness (and procrastination) in the job search, election year uncertainty deferring much government hiring and a looming recession cramping private sector hiring, I realized: why would I give this up? I like my job, it is pretty cushy, and it pays reasonably well. And I actually like my boss. Those are four things most people can’t say about their job.

So I’m staying. I agonized and flip-flopped a bit over the decision, but in the end it really was a no brainer. What’s another year in la-la land?

1 comment:

you like raisins said...

Another year in la-la land = priceless!