Saturday, August 29, 2009

Bukit Lawang

We made a quick overnight trip to Bukit Lawang. The town isn't conducive to a quick overnight trip since it took 4 hours to get here, but we decided to cut our time short since we opted not to do a jungle trek. Instead, we just wanted to see the orangutan rehabilitation center.

The center lived up to its promise - an orangutan sighting sort of in the wild. We saw a mother with a baby who was hanging out by the feeding platform for twice-daily bananas and milk. The food offered is intentionally boring because the park wants to encourage the animals to seek out more interesting fruits in the forest. But this mama certainly snarfed down her share of bananas, peeling each with her lips. She was a little more dignified with the milk, since she used a cup. We also saw a poisonous green viper on the trail leading to the platform.

This morning after breakfast we made the long trip to Berastagi, where I am now. Berastagi is cool and in the mountains. We're here to climb some volcanoes.


Anonymous said...

What's the food like?

blogazon said...

Food is good, overall. Various permutations of fried rice, curries, BBQ'd meat on a stick.