Monday, November 05, 2007


I experienced the suckiness of business travel last Thursday. I spent more time in the air and almost as much time waiting in airports as I did in DC. My flight landed at 12:30 and left at 6:45 PM, was delayed on both ends, and both flights were completely full. Thank goodness I bought my lunch ahead of time, know my way around the city, and had a 2 + year old Metro card that miraculously still worked.

But on the plus side, I think the interview went fairly well. The three interviewers seemed to like me and were interested in my background. I spent a lot more time talking about The Cradle of Our Fathers and about my adopted country of origin than I did about my current job. And come to think of it, I didn’t talk about law school at all, save for something about my work in the clinic. But I guess everyone they are interviewing went to law school, so that wouldn’t be a distinguishing characteristic.

I’m not getting my hopes up and am trying to keep a realistic perspective. The division that interviewed me only anticipates hiring 12 people. My odds are about 1 in 7 and I should hear in a couple of weeks. If I get it, great. If not, that’s okay, too.

1 comment:

you like raisins said...

Crossing fingers. My sister loved the Nacho pics!