Monday, March 03, 2008

Crappy Monday

(1) Nacho has heartworms, despite being on a prophylaxis for the past year. The vet thinks it was a failure in medication, and I agree since he also contracted roundworms, which the medication is also supposed to prevent. The company supposedly has a guarantee, but they are saying he contracted heartworms before his first (negative) test. Possible, but not likely. They are offering to pay a quarter of the $1,000 treatment cost and they'll give me a year's supply of their ineffective medication. Thanks! It is going to be a battle to make them pay more, but they are messing with the wrong owner.

(2) Nacho peed on the floor today. I left him inside b/c it cold and rainy, but evidently he couldn't hold it.

(3) I'm currently working on a motion where the USG can't seem to get through its thick skull that exhaustion is a condition precedent, not a jurisdictional prerequisite, to suit for employment discrimination. This is probably the sixth or seventh time I've addressed this issue, yet for some reason the USG continues to argue that the burden is on the plaintiff to prove exhaustion.

(4) I owe taxes for FY 2007. Some of these taxes will go towards my salary which pays me to tell other people funded by my salary time and time again that exhaustion is not a jurisdictional prerequisite.

(5) All of my expected fiscal stimulus will go towards the taxes I owe. So much for doing my part to stimulate the economy via the stupid idea thought up by our leaders. Instead, I'll get an increased federal deficit funded by government bonds sold to foreign countries.

Why can't I be back in Honduras?


Anonymous said...

I am sorry to hear about your should look at

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about Nacho. I don't think (or at least I hope) that heartworms aren't as serious as they sometimes sound.

Who was the manufacturer? (So I can check Genji's medication.)

Also, there are a shocking number of totally ineffective, fraudulent, and often harmful pet products out there. It really fucks me off how some very large companies are profitting of off the suffering of dogs (and, I suppose, cats). The shit that occurred in China (poisoned dogfood) is just the tip of the proverbal iceberg.


blogazon said...

Nacho was on Sentinel, which is manufactured by Novartis. I hate them.