Monday, April 03, 2006

Apprentice omissions

Astute observors of tonight's "The Apprentice" may have noticed that there was no post boardroom conference between Trump, Carolyn, and Bill/George. I'm guessing that the gist of the conversation was, "you can't fire Lee. He's Jewish. He wasn't on the task because he was observing a Jewish holiday, and if you fire him people will think you are an anti-Semite." But they wouldn't show that on television, and by not showing it on television you know that is what they were talking about.

Regardless of what went on in the boardroom, Bryce was the one to go. He was a bad leader to begin with and then went on to be 25 minutes late for a meeting. I heard him say "my parents raised me a certain way" twice in the span of 10 minutes. If you are such a person of moral integrity and all your teammates were so awesome, then why didn't you face Trump alone? Nothing says you have to take two people in with you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No offense, but I'm beginning to have some concern over how rigorous the UT law program is.
Is this a Tustin phenomenon or do most of your peers have this much time on their hands, and is the program accepting last minute applications for candidates to both matriculate and graduate within the next 2 months.