Monday, March 19, 2007

My own Iraq war anniversary

Four years ago today I was here:

I did two dives in the morning and two more in the afternoon. In the evening I ate my fill of delicious peixe na folha de bananeira, or fish steamed in banana leaves. I dove the day before, and I dove on the following day. And the next day.

Today, I did a bunch of work while sitting at a desk in front of a computer. When I got home, I picked up dog poop. I'm not convinced my life has improved.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Fora, Bush

The NYT has an article in Tuesday's paper about President Bush's trip to Latin America this week.

Sadly, I don't think his trip will amount to much, primarily because our president is toxic. Here are two photos from his visit to Brazil in November 2005:

photo I took in Porto Alegre, RS

photo from newspaper based in Brasília of
activists defacing the JK monument.

Of course, there has always been a vocal anti-American* sentiment, and only a few are willing to go so far as to paint graffiti on cultural monuments. But many, many more marched to protest Bush's visit in cities all over Brazil. Even Belém had a protest march that attracted several thousand. Previously, this general anger might have been directed at the IMF or the vague concept of yankee imperialism, but thanks to Iraq, our leader provides a new focal point. No wonder Chávez is making friends and influencing countries. How many protested specifically at Clinton or Bush I?

I could say a lot more, but I won't. There will not be a chance of any improvement in relations until Bush is out of office.

*Excuse me, anti-U.S, for those in the know.

Legal commentary

Marketplace had a report this evening about the rocketing salaries of 1st year associates in NYC. Not that this is news to most of the five people who read this blog, but I did learn that the increases are due to competition from investment firms that suck new lawyers in-house and can pay much more. Then, as we all know, as soon as one firm increases all the others follow, and then other markets follow. And - surprise! Some of those interviewed complained about billable hours. I really hope I find a way to avoid this madness because I enjoy having a life outside of work, even if it only consists of walking the dog, making dinner, and then farting around for an hour or two before heading to bed.

Speaking of all things legal, I'm not going to blog about work except to say that about a month ago I, I mean my boss, wrote two motions denying dismissal of a prolific pro se's claims. Both of these opinions were picked up by Westlaw. I am quite pleased. The claims are pretty funny in a "I have been reading far too many §1983 cases" sort of way. I'd like to share more, but like I said, I'm not going to blog about work...

New roommate

Hola.* Me llamo Nacho.**

Me necesito sentar cerca de Blogazon. Siempre.

Detrás de las plantes de interior...

Me gusta masticar los huesos.

This is Nacho! So far, he's been a great addition to the Blogazon household. Thanks again to Raisins for hooking me up with a great pooch.

I've had him for about ten days. On the first day, I learned that he can climb over my short fence, which means that I have to get a new fence to replace the entire fence since the tall part is falling down anyway. In the meantime, Nacho lives indoors. We've been on lots of walks, and he gets along with his canine in-laws pretty well.

He likes to try to crawl in my lap, no matter what I am doing. Sometimes I let him. He also tries to crawl into bed with me, but I put a stop to that before it started since he hogged the space.

*Okay, maybe he doesn't really speak Spanish, but it is important to start teaching a second language at an early age, especially if he is going to be living in Texas.

**The dog formerly known as Polar. Not that Polar is a bad name, but it was temporary and he didn't have a chance to learn it. And besides, Nacho is a MUCH better name for a dog.