Monday, March 05, 2007

New roommate

Hola.* Me llamo Nacho.**

Me necesito sentar cerca de Blogazon. Siempre.

Detrás de las plantes de interior...

Me gusta masticar los huesos.

This is Nacho! So far, he's been a great addition to the Blogazon household. Thanks again to Raisins for hooking me up with a great pooch.

I've had him for about ten days. On the first day, I learned that he can climb over my short fence, which means that I have to get a new fence to replace the entire fence since the tall part is falling down anyway. In the meantime, Nacho lives indoors. We've been on lots of walks, and he gets along with his canine in-laws pretty well.

He likes to try to crawl in my lap, no matter what I am doing. Sometimes I let him. He also tries to crawl into bed with me, but I put a stop to that before it started since he hogged the space.

*Okay, maybe he doesn't really speak Spanish, but it is important to start teaching a second language at an early age, especially if he is going to be living in Texas.

**The dog formerly known as Polar. Not that Polar is a bad name, but it was temporary and he didn't have a chance to learn it. And besides, Nacho is a MUCH better name for a dog.


Anonymous said...

he is adorable

mr. T

Evy E said...

that's one sweet looking doggy