Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Children’s Day

Today was Nossa Senhora de Aparacida, a holiday honoring Brazil’s patron saint. The day is also referred to Children’s Day, a tradition that started in 1920. Nothing really special happened in Belém, especially since the city just binged on Círio festivities. There was a long line to get into the zoo and for some reason there was cake at the gym.

O Liberal, one of Belém’s daily newspapers, also had a report on child labor in the city. I forget the exact numbers, but it is estimated that there are almost 150,000 child laborers, or about a third of the city’s population of under 17 year olds. Most of these kids work on the street or as domestic servants.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is there anyway we could augment those numbers. That should be your focus while you're there. (I'm pro-sweatshop.)