Saturday, December 24, 2005

Useless OneWorld

First of all, everything is fine. Now that I´ve gotten that out of the way, can I just say how useless the hyped OneWorld Alliance is if one of their passengers is re-routed on a participating company´s flight?

Take for example, my mother. She missed her connecting flight in Miami to Buenos Aires due to American sitting on the runway in Dallas for 30+ minutes and then her having to go to three different terminals in Miami. American re-routed her through Santiago on LanChile to arrive 3 hours later than originally scheduled. Meanwhile, I know none of this since I had already left for the airport. After her no-show, I go to the OneWorld check-in section at the Buenos Aires airport. Only a lady from LanChile was there, and I ask her if she could check to see if my mom was on the flight from Miami. She told me that she worked for LanChile and not for American. I pointed out that both companies were part of the OneWorld Alliance and she said that passenger lists are not shared. That´s helpful, especially when the passenger who was supposed to be on American is REROUTED on your OWN COMPANY. I´d like to add that all of these conversations were in Spanish (and that mine thankfully is awesome today), so it isn´t like I´m the Ugly American speaking in loud, slow English.

Anyway, I then had to go talk to superbitch at American. Because no one was at the counter, I went to the hidden American office behind the check-in counters. I asked superbitch if my mom was on the flight that arrived this morning. She checked the passenger list and said no. Then I asked if she was on the flight that arrived yesterday morning and she said no. Then she curtly said that I would have to talk to my mom. I said "gracias" and took some small comfort in that superbitch had ratty bleached hair and has to stare at a computer screen all day long.

Don´t you think that if you (a) worked for American and (b) had a passenger flying on American that you´d be able to tell someone that the passenger was re-routed on your superspecial OneWorld Alliance? Isn´t everything supposed to be easier with all this codesharing? Apparently not.


Anonymous said...

Good--I'm glad it's ok. I heard none of this--we were on our famous "Davis Christmas Movie Raid" and had my phone off.

So when did she get in? I have visions of an Italian Deja vu here...

From both of us, John, have a very merry Christmas. Do not strangle your mother.

Anonymous said...

...strangle that raggedy-haired clerk who obviously does not use conditioner
Well, the only way to bounce back from an atrocity like this is to be as mean to as many people as possible.
Carry on.