Tuesday, January 31, 2006

SOTU and the clinic

I watched Bush's State of the Union this evening and managed to not puke up my tacos. Almost nothing new was presented, and there is no money for the new things that were presented. I'm a little unsettled at how many Members I can still name and the gossip I remember about some of their offices.

Far more interesting was the busy phone day at the clinic. My español got a workout, as did my Capitol Hill-honed phone skills. A tip for callers from New York City who (1) have stable jobs with the Department of Whatever, (2) speak excellent English, (3) can afford to fly themselves and their cousin to San Antonio for a court appearance, and (4) already know what a motion for change of venue is yet still want free representation for a relative from clinic students in Texas: you are not our client demographic. I'm being very nice and helpful by providing you with a referral in your area. If you push the point, become argumentative and waste my time, I will hang up on you.

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