Sunday, January 21, 2007

I'm in.

With the field of 2008 presidential candidates expanding by four this past week, today I announce that I too am in, and I'm in it to win.*

I've started a presidential exploratory committee to lock up donors. Checks made payable to "Blogazon" can be sent to my home address. With your help, we can build a safe and prosperous new America for the 21st century.

*I won't let a silly thing like the age requirement of Article II, § 1 of the Constitution get in the way. After all, the current President has made it quite clear that the Constitution doesn't matter.


Anonymous said...

After my check deposits, can I have a cabinet position? Our working history goes way back...



Probative said...

HOw much of a contribution do you need for me to get a 5th COA judical appointment?

blogazon said...

My administration is not for sale.

But since you have already sent the check, I'm free to say that teeny meany is a leading contender to become the teeniest, meanest Secretary of State or consolation UN Ambassador.

Probative - I thought you were already tapped to fill Judge Higginbotham's seat?

Anonymous said...

Yahoo! I'm ready! And I suggest you hurry up and request from John Mayer, "Waiting on the World to Change" as your campaign song before the other candidates get it. ;)
