Thursday, May 25, 2006

Cameroon's gift to the world

It seems as if AIDS is not the American Invention to Discourage Sex or some virus concocted by the CIA to kill off Africans. Rather, scientists at the University of Alabama - Birmingham have confirmed that the HIV virus originated in wild chimpanzees in Cameroon. I've read several other stories hypothesizing this, but the article published in this Friday's "Science" is the first to genetically trace the primate version of HIV in the wild. To do this, the scientists collected 1,300 samples of fresh chimp shit.

It is suspected that "someone in rural Cameroon was bitten by a chimp or was cut while butchering one and became infected with the ape virus." If only chimps weren't so tasty.


Anonymous said...

Cameroon is the cradle of all things evil. Aside from achu with yellow soup, it's got nothing-I mean NOTHING-to offer.

blogazon said...

Does the achu soup include a slice of kanda?

Anonymous said...

...drizzled with amor de madre.

Anonymous said...

You all are some Fucking ass bitches