Sunday, May 07, 2006

Three down, eight to go

I'm not referring to final exams. If I were, I would probably shoot myself. I am referring to ABC's genious decision to place full episodes from four of this season's shows online for free. Because I was in Belém last semester, I missed 11 shows of Alias. And now, thanks to ABC, I am able to catch up on this season's happenings instead of studying for my final final.

Speaking of which, I should probably just take it already. I've convinced myself that I understand the material; this may be just another sign of denial. The prof thinks he is doing us a favor by giving a 24 hour open book take home, but this really means that I will have an entire day to flip through the text and my notes not to find the answer and then type 10 pages of gibberish.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, I got forced into watching The Amazing Race and it is the crappiest show I've seen. I hate the hippies, by the way. They strive to be positive and uplifting and giddy. That shit pisses me off.