Thursday, July 20, 2006

Bar-Bri Class Action

I assume that everyone who took BarBri got a notice of the class action law suit. About time. I'm not surprised that BarBri is in cahoots with my evil former employer.* The NYT ran an article on this last December that gives some more detail. It is a good thing that I'm not on the jury, or the defense lawyer would be using one of their preemptive strikes against me during the voir dire.

And to all the Republicans who complain about lawsuit abuse: screw you. I want my coupon.

*Moonlit as a GRE instructor in DC since the Hill job didn't pay so well when I started. Why didn't I go to grad school in biology?


Anonymous said...

I also worked for Kaplan, LSAT division. Bigtime crock. Their course is designed to get people from about the 45th percentile to the 51st (the fat middle of the market). And, of course, instructors have no discretion whatsoever as we were shackled to the ultra-crappy Kaplan Method, which basically teaches very-bad testtakers to not pick the obviously-wrong answer.

blogazon said...

I hated being the product. Kaplan GRE was a pretty easy second job, but what got to me was when I realized I was teaching a class of 20 students (gross for Kaplan: $20,000), was doing most of the work, and was getting paid about $500. I think I got a $50 bonus b/c I got good reviews. Yipee.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, the pay kinda sucked. After the prep work, it probably worked out to about $10/hour, which isn't enough to teach argumentative pre-laws. It's a total cash cow.