Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Cruel joke for recent grads?

Dear Dean ad interim Goode:

Thank you for your fundraising solicitation letter. As you may know, I graduated from the Law School this past May. Like many recent grads, I am deeply in debt and my first several pay checks are already allocated to paying off my credit card bill. What little money I have must get me through the rest of the month and pay for my bar trip to Borneo. Ask me next spring and maybe I'll give $100.



P.S. - Could you retroactively change my 1st year Property grade? You know, the one where I got totally screwed since it was lowered after it was posted? If you recall, you were the one who said "no" after the real Dean and the Property professor said "yes."


The Law School's annual fund drive for 2006 will soon be over,
and I am writing one last time to ask for your help. This is an
exciting time for the Law School. As you probably know, Larry Sager
will be taking over as dean on September 1. He has great ambitions for
the Law School, and a strong finish to our annual fund drive will help
get him off to a running start. Your support enables us to compete for
the very best faculty and the very best students, two of the critical
components of a great law school. The third, of course, is a great
alumni base.

We are proud of our alumni; we want you to be proud of us. Please lend
your support. We will put your donation to good use.

You can send your contribution to:

The University of Texas School of Law
727 East Dean Keeton Street
Austin, TX 78705

Online contributions may be made by going to: .

If you have any questions, please call us at (512) 232-1220.


Best wishes,

Steven Goode
Dean ad interim

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Did you really write that? Pretty funny, if you ask me. But it makes you wonder just how many grads give money the first time out.