Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Random observations from a Tuesday in the trenches

I'm working through the advanced MBE questions in our BarBri materials. I think this is a mistake. I did fine on contracts yesterday, but on torts this morning I scored a little better than guessing. The difficulty is not that I don't know the material (well, maybe I don't), but that some of the questions test on totally bizarre topics, like the "firefighter's doctrine." Or that angry bees are domestic animals, even when they swarm after a car crashes into their hive. Some of the questions say the exact opposite as what we learned in class, like the effect of assumption of risk in comparative negligence states. I'm starting to remember the strange, rarely tested exceptions and forget the more general rules that comprise the bulk of the questions. Great.

As for the essays, some are okay, but commercial paper - wtf. At least we are all in the same boat.


At the gym today some guy was hogging the flat bench. He was there for almost 30 minutes, and he wasn't even using it for exercises that require the use of a bench. I did other stuff until he got on my nerves, then I politely asked if I could work in. He said, "um, yes." I didn't let him back in because I was going to make him ask for it. He didn't, and chose to do some bicep curls instead, which don't require the use of a bench. Maybe he was scared of me because I traded in my golden locks for a buzz cut.

Here's some good news about Prof. Benjamin a faculty member at UT who has been nominated to one (of two) of Brazil's Supreme Courts.* I guess that means he won't be coming back next spring. Too bad for future UT students; he is a good prof who seems to care about his students and helped me out with a lot of Brazil stuff over the past two years.

And finally, I don't know what this whole "Evening Study Schedule" is. I'm dead at 5, and all I want to do is eat lasagna and watch movies. Criminal and Civil Procedure and Evidence and the MPT just won't be committed to memory.

*Roughly, the STF handles all cases with constitutional questions. The STJ handles everything else. The STF is more akin to our Supreme Court even though the STJ is the highest federal court for most matters.


Anonymous said...

It should be some consolation to you that I took the boards last weekend and I guessed for 9 hours. Apparently, they didn't want to test me on what I actually did learn the last year of rotations: bitch and gossip about patients, residents, and attendings. I was shocked.

Anonymous said...

OMG, you cut your hair! I'm sure it looks great.

That's excellent news for Professor Benjamin! I took his international environmental law class last year and absolutely loved it. It was a pleasure to have him as a professor and I could gush forever...

Yes, Comm Paper still makes me cry. So does everything under the sun in relation to Property Law.

Random bitch to add to your list, people who carry on conversations louder than the 12 inch voice in the quiet room of JPs. When you enter a room of dead silence and see people with Barbri books, take a cue and keep your mouth shut.


Anonymous said...

When's the big day?

blogazon said...

Days. July 25, 26, and 27. The 26th is the multiple choice guess-fest. The 25 and 27 I will summon all my powers of BS for the short answer and essays.

I wish I'd get tested on gossip from this past semester. I'd do pretty well.

Anonymous said...

what is the answer about comparative negligence and assumption of risk? I thought comparative negligence applied to everything except express assumption of risk (and I guess that includes implied assumption of risk). Is this right????

I don't know dick about commercial paper. order paper? WTF?